The Breakspear Archives

2001  ~ Year 4 Roman Day


Romans resting before the start 
of an exciting day.

We were shown how a Roman lady would have her make up put on by a slave.

The Romans take a brief pause!

Hair was cut off with a sharp knife 
and sold to make wigs.

Girls were usually married 
when they were 12 years old.

Here are some other children 
taking part in the talk.

Legion XIIII trained us how to march 
in a Roman army.

These are the standard-bearers who lead the Roman army into battle.

There children were selected to join Legion XIII for the day.

Soldiers used their shields to protect themselves from attack.

Marcus explained how gladiators used nets to help them catch their opponents.

Here are the soldiers ready 
to march off into battle.

First uploaded: 24 November 2001
Last  updated: 07 December 2018