The Breakspear Archives

The Ickenham Festival ~ 16 - 24 June 2012 - 3


Saturday 23 June - Gala Day 
and the Parade groups begin to assemble on Milton Court...

including Breakspear Junior with its Olympic Theme.

Let's pose for a photograph 

Ah, the official photographer arrives.  
So back into a formal group again! 
(Just as well, somebody was missing from the first, can you see who?)

The mayor approaches ...

He chats to the group  and joins them for yet another photograph.

Time for the Parade, but what's that, we've got 1st Place?

Now we're all setting off, the Infant School Maypole Dancers 
and the Junior School Olympians

And once in Swakeleys Park 
the Infant School perform their dance to perfection!

Ickenham Festival '12 - 2

First uploaded: 01 July 2012
Last updated: 02 January 2019