The Breakspear Archives

1998  ~ The Staff - 1


In 1998 the school updated its display board 
with the photographs of the current members of staff.  
These photographs are taken by pupils from Year 6.  
Below are some of the pictures used that year.

BJSA11_105        Dr. Rutter

Mrs Slade and 3S        BJSA11_089

BJSA11_090        Miss Hiles and 3H

Mrs Terry and 3T        BJSA11_091

BJSA11_093        Mrs Stevens and 4S

Mrs Sims and 4S        BJSA11_092

BJSA11_095        Mr. Spencer and 4S

Mrs Davonport and 4D        BJSA11_096

BJSA11_094        Mrs A. Walker

Miss Copland and 5CJ     BJSA11_101

BJSA11_097        Miss Coburn and 5C

Mrs Jiwa and 6J        BJSA11_098


Staff '98/'99 - 2

First uploaded: 12 June 2004
Last  updated: 06 December 2018