The Breakspear Archives

2005  ~ 1 December:
Year 5's Visit to Southall Gurdwara


On 1 December we visited ...

the Sikh Gurdwara in Southall.

Before going in to the main part 
we all had to cover our heads 
as a mark of respect.

Most of the girls had brought 
a head scarf
the boys had special ones. 

Then we walked into the main part of the Gurdwara.


People sit and face in one direction...

We listened careful to what was said.

towards the Guru Granth Sahib.

After listening carefully...

we went on a tour

Later we hear some sikh musicians 
play traditional music.

Then we wondered 'What next?'

Ah, time for lunch!

We sat as people do in India 
- on the floor.

This seemed very strange...

Though once you got used to it, it was OK.

The floor is kept spotlessly clean.

A very interesting day!

First uploaded: 03 December 2005
Last updated: 16 December 2018