The Breakspear Archives

2 December 2006  ~ The PA Christmas Bazaar


12 noon and the crowd enter to enjoy the PA's ....
 annual Christmas Bazaar - 
where to first?
Up the stairs to the Junior Hall, 
Bouncy Castle, 
find the treasure, and other games.
Then to the Infant Hall, Christmas goods,
crowds everywhere,  especially at the Tombola.
How about a cake for tea? Elsewhere, arts activities,
the always popular face painting,
and wrapping presents for Mum or Dad. Then there's the candy floss.
Meanwhile, administration 
behind the scenes.
The line's already formed
for the BBQ. And what are these two elves up to?
Guarding the entrance to Father Christmas!

First uploaded: 03 December 2006
Last updated: 19 December 2018