The Breakspear Archives

31 January 2007  ~ Year 4's Afternoon 
of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities


Our Physical Education curriculum includes something called 
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. 
This could include anything from a brisk walk across 
Swakeleys Park to climbing Everest!

On Wednesday afternoon Miss Day had arranged an afternoon of activities that did NOT include scaling the north face of the Eiger!  However it did include a number of exciting challenges designed to include confidence, team building, and physical fitness - and all of them were FUN!

Miss Day was helped by the teachers in Year 4, Adam Spinks of the local School Sports Partnership, of which we are a member, and by students from Vyners to whom we were very grateful and say a sincere THANKYOU! 

Finding your way around the Activity Trail can be a real Trial 
when your eyes are closed.  
Fortunately someone has provided a thread to follow - still, this takes courage. 

Team activities, where we have to rely on the support
from each other, are very important.

So, just how many people can skip in the same rope at the same time?
Using the parachute is great fun, but it needs co-ordination and teamwork
to try all the activities suggested!

First uploaded: 03 February 2007
Last updated: 23 December 2018