The Breakspear Archives

22 October 2008  ~ The Studio Opening - 1


To mark the official opening of the Studio and the Staff Room we invited the Worshipful Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon, Cllr. Brian Crowe and Mrs. Crowe,
for a special event in the Studio followed by a reception in the Staff Room.

Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon arrived at 5 p.m. 
They were greeted by Dr Rutter, Mrs. Glen, Mr. Saunders, 
Mrs. Grimwood, Mrs. Weaver and five children from Year 6, 
Rachel, Jaimini, Avi,
Valavan and Madeleine.

The the Mayor and Mayoress walked to the Studio.  
Fortunately it was a dry autumn day.
Outside were gathered staff, governors, 
members of the Parents' Association, a group of past and present pupils, 
and a number of guests who had made the two building projects possible.
It was now time for the Mayor to cut the ribbon 
and declare the Studio officially open

Then, the Mayor and Mayoress leading, all entered the Studio

Once all were settled, the Brass Group played a short fanfare.

Five children then narrated a PowerPoint presentation 
showing the building of the Studio.

The Studio Opening '08 - 2

First uploaded: 02 November 2008
Last updated: 24 December 2018