The Breakspear Archives

15 March 2010 ~ 
The ECO Group visit Tiggywinkles


Over the year the Eco Group, supported by Mr. Saunders and Mrs. Clegg
have been looking at supporting animal and bird life on the school site.
This has included making and installing bird boxes in the grounds.
On 15 March they set off, with the class Energy Monitors and Mrs. Brown
for St. Tiggywinkle's where various wild animals and birds 
that have been injured are cared for.

There were some interesting things to see, including some old friends!

There was a short talk...

before going outside to see some of the animals that have been helped.

Then it was time for lunch.

The group saw other birds and animals that had been helped...

and read the information panels.

Before getting ready to set off for home.

First uploaded: 07 April 2010
Last updated: 27 December 2018