The Breakspear Archives

11 October 2010 ~ The Library Reopening-1


After four months of closure the joint Breakspear Schools' library 
reopened on 11 October.

Over that four months all the furniture was stripped out; 
the ceiling, lighting, flooring renewed; the walls repainted; 
the Infant School provided new shelving; 
and both schools purchased many new books.

Children from each class in the two schools 
waited in the library for the Mayor to arrive.

Mrs Sumner introduced the Mayor, Cllr. Yarrow 
and asked him to officially open the library

Mrs Sumner then thanked the Mayor and Mayoress, Mrs Kilroy, 
for joining us for our opening celebration.

She also thanked all those who had helped to re-furbish the library.

The Mayor said how pleased he was to join us, 
and how important books were, both to learning and for enjoyment.

Children from Year 6 read some of their recent book reviews ...

While children from the Infant School presented book covers they had designed.

Library Re-Opening '10 - 2

First uploaded: 16 October 2010
Last updated: 27 December 2018