The Breakspear Archives

29 November 2012 
~ Year 4's Visit to Verulamium - 4H's Day


On the 29 November Year 4 set off for St Albans 
and the Roman city of Verulamium.

First stop for 4H, the remains of the ancient Roman Theatre.
Outdoors, of course!

After that, a look at the Roman walls (or what was left of them and the hypocaust.
We wished the under floor heating was back in operation.

After lunch we went into the Verulamium museum. 

As you can see, we were a bit undecided which way to go!

 Eventually we found the fantastic floor mosaics...
 ...and the exhibition galleries. 

Finally a visit to the education room.
There we were able to handle some genuine objects
that the Romans would have used.

Y4 Verulamium '12 - 4A's Day
Y4 Verulamium '12 - 4D's Day

First uploaded: 07 December 2012
Last updated: 02 January 2019