The Breakspear Archives

24 June 2014 ~  Cycle to School Day


Tuesday 24 June, and the school's annual cycle to school day.
The letters had been sent out, the staff and helpers had been mobilized.
All was ready for over a hundred cycles and scooters to arrive on site.

The first arrival appears as the early morning mists clear.

But soon the family groups and eventually the party from Swakeleys Park arrive. 

All arrived safely, despite the parents in cars who decided that the open 
entrance was a good place to do a three point-turn!

All the cycles were safely stored for the day ahead 
due to Mr Saunders careful management
(note the detailed coordination of direction, 
handlebars and location of cycle helmets!)

Home time and staff and parents are on hand 
to get the right cycle back to the right owner.
Mr Tucker stands guard; Mrs Dhillon returns a bike.
Soon they are all handed back and its the end of another successful 
Cycle to School Day.

First uploaded: 27 June 2014
Last updated: 05 January 2019