The Breakspear Archives

18 & 19 November 2014 ~ 
Year 5's trip to Southall Gurdwara


Over two days all of Year 5 visited Southall Gurdwara.
This is part of the annual visit to a place of worship, 
introducing the children to different cultures and beliefs.

When we go to different places of worship 
we need to respect the customs of the places we visit.
So, before visiting the Gurdwara we all needed to cover our heads 
and remove our shoes.

We had somebody to talk to us about the Sikh religion and take us on a tour.

Then we went into the prayer hall

There were no chairs so we sat on the floor.
There are beautiful carpets covering the floor but much of the time
these are covered.

In the distance we could see the shrine area where the Sikh sacred book, 
the Guru Granth Sahib is kept.

People walk up to reverence this book, since it contains important teaching

If we wanted we could also go close to it, 
but out of respect for the Sikhs who worship there, 
we too would need to kneel before it. 

After our visit to the prayer hall it was time for lunch.
so we visited the Langar, 
the Sikh name for a place where food is prepared and eaten.

Again we found ourselves cross legged on the floor - which was spotless!
Many of us were cautious, since some of the foods were new to us.

once we tried them, most of us wanted some more!

It had been a fascinating visit,
helping us understand the different backgrounds of both 
other children in our school and also others who live in our community.

First uploaded: 22 November 2014
Last updated: 05 January 2019