The Breakspear Archives

Autumn 2005 - Spring 2006
Installation of the new playground equipment - 2


By the end of  Monday (12 December)  some new pieces had been put into place

It's all looking very exciting!

Early  Wednesday morning (14 December)  Miss Cummings and Mrs Gray 
were taking stock of the work so far

It's almost finished, just the surface on the ground to sort out.

On  Tuesday 17 January (2006)  a huge pile of woodchips arrived 
between the two playgrounds

The earth was compacted...

and a plastic sheet laid over the top.

It had to be done very carefully to make sure the plastic didn't get torn.

Gradually the pile of wood chips ...

 was taken to the play area
 in a wheelbarrow.

As we watched, gradually the play area filled with the woodchips.

Finally all the woodchips had been moved.
Everything is now ready for the grand opening. 


Activity Trail '06 - 1

Activity Trail '06 - 3

First uploaded: 4 February 2006
Last updated: 19 December 2018