The Breakspear Archives

5 July 2012 ~Year 4 
Walk to Denham, 4H's Day


It had been one of the wettest, if not THE wettest summers on record.
After Mrs Davonport's reports that part of the footpath to Denham 
trodden by previous Year 4s was muddy, VERY MUDDY
4H set out in wellington boots on the morning of Thursday 5 July.

Through the golf club ...

Down the hillside, through the tall-growing grass ... 

And then they encountered it - MUD, and lots of it.
But they were brave, they were courageous, 
they were well armed (the wellington Boots) and marched confidently 
(well, perhaps not that confidently) forward. 
[Click on the picture if you want a better look at the mud!!]

 Once past the MUD, the normal pace was resumed 
until a pause at the bridge over the River Colne.

Once we arrived at the field studies centre it was time for river studies
- the River Misbourne

The sun began to come out - a good time to dry feet and change into dry socks. 
 Though some needed a helping hand with getting the boots off!
 A brief pause for some note taking and sketching, then off to Denham Deep Lock.
Just enough time to see a barge pass through the lock 
- and see where the River Colne flows UNDER the canal. 
Then it was time to head over the bridge and the walk home. 
Not forgetting, of course a re-encounter with THE MUD! 
Y4 Walk to Denham '12 - 4D
Y4 Walk to Denham '12 - 4O

First uploaded: 14 July 2012
Last updated: 02 January 2019