The Breakspear Archives

9 July 2012 ~Year 4 
Walk to Denham, 4O's Day


It had been one of the wettest, if not THE wettest summers on record.
Both 4D and 4H had recounted tales of an encounter mud - and lots of it!
Were these just tales, exaggerations to panic 4O?
Monday 9 July and 4O was about to find out the truth.

Along Swakeleys Road ...

... and in no time at all they were there and busy with river studies. 
(And the MUD?  Oh, for 4O that was nothing - all in a day's walk!)

Everybody is observing carefully and making notes.
And then it was lunch and off to the canal, 
stopping at the bridge over the River Colne on the way. 
Finally they arrived at Denham Deep Lock.
Then it was time to head along the tow path, 
over the bridge and the walk home. 
Though the footpath looked more like a stream! 
Y4 Walk to Denham '12 - 4D
Y4 Walk to Denham '12 - 4H

First uploaded: 14 July 2012
Last updated: 02 January 2019