The Breakspear Archives

2001  ~ The Main Entrance Project - 3


Once the foundations had dried, bricklaying began...

The new main vehicle entrance quickly began to take shape.

The wall began to take shape.

Thin layers of slate were cut..

and laid on the wall as a damp course.

Then the next layer of bricks followed.

The gate post needed to be perpendicular.

The wall was almost ready 
for the new fencing.

The men began filling the gap 
next to the wall.

A look behind the security fencing showed that the end was in sight.

The Infant School gateway 
was reopened first.

A huge pile of 'hardcore' arrived 
for the new Junior School path.

This will have its own special entrance...

and keep the pedestrians 
well away from the cars.


Entrance Project '01 - 2
Entrance Project '01 - 4

First uploaded: 14 December 2001
Last  updated: 07 December 2018