The Breakspear Archives

Spring / Summer 2008  ~ 
The Staff Room Project - 6


The ground is now prepared.  Waterproof sheeting is sandwiched 
between the existing walls and the new floor area.
Iron reinforcements are laid in place..

All is now ready for the concrete floor to be laid.  
It's the 19 May and what looks like a crane arrives.

But it's not!
When the first lot of concrete was pumped into the quadrangle, 
it went through a pipe laying on the ground.
This time the concrete will be pumped in over the top of the roof!

The concrete mixers arrive ... they pour the concrete into the pump

And over the top of the roof it goes, to be poured onto the prepared base.

Once the concrete has dried solid the really noisy work started, 
the lintels above what used to be the windows had to be knocked out
- fortunately this was done over the summer half term.

The Staff Room Project '08 - 5
The Staff Room Project '08 - 7

First uploaded: 22 June 2008
Last updated: 24 December 2018