The Breakspear Archives

Spring / Summer 2008  ~ 
The Staff Room Project - 8


The end of June.  
The metal beams in place, the joists that will support the floor are cut to shape
 and slotted into place.  Small offcuts of wood are used as 'spacers' 
to make the framework quite rigid.  A hole is left in the structure to allow materials
to be passed through to the upper floor.

Bricks are prepared ready to be laid.

Flooring is laid to allow easy movement at first floor level.
It's the weekend and plastic sheeting is laid to protect the newly laid floor.

But that weekend there is heavy rain and strong winds.
The flooring gets several more soakings over the days that follow.

In preparation for knocking through into the 'TV Room' 
(which will be the staff work room)
the windows are taken out.

The sun shines and work can continue with the wall - almost up to roof height..

Below, at ground floor level it is possible to 'feel' 
what the space will be like once the work is finished...

...but there is still a way to go yet!  


The Staff Room Project '08 - 7
The Staff Room Project '08 - 9

First uploaded: 12 July 2008
Last updated: 24 December 2018