The Breakspear Archives

2 July 2014  ~  4R's Walk to Denham


4R's Walk to Denham
2 July 2014

On Wednesday 2 July 4R set off for Denham.
Along the way they crossed the Grand Union Canal on its journey north.

When they arrived at Colne Valley Country Park 
they sought out the River Missbourne.
The task, to measure the speed at which the river flows.

Tape measures to trace out the distance, stop watch 
to time the journey of a floating object between two points.

Carry out the task several times to take an average.

Other measurements of the depth to work out 
where the strongest part of the current is.
Finally it is time to head back for school along side the canal.
At Denham Deep Lock there was a barge going through.
Y4 Denham Walk '14 - 4A's Day
Y4 Denham Walk '14 - 4H's Day

First uploaded: 15 July 2014
Last updated: 05 January 2019